Travel the Middle East

12 道食谱

Explore the vibrant food scene of the Middle East through the incredible variety of flavours of these classic dishes – from street food stall favourites to cultural comfort foods.

Lentil purée (Moujadarra)

Lentil purée (Moujadarra)

1小时 20 分钟

Semolina pancakes (Beghrir)

Semolina pancakes (Beghrir)


Spiced lamb flatbread

Spiced lamb flatbread


Chicken with yoghurt tahini sauce (Fattet d'jaj)

Chicken with yoghurt tahini sauce (Fattet d'jaj)

1小时 10 分钟

Iraqi cheese pies (Cheese chureck)

Iraqi cheese pies (Cheese chureck)

1小时 40 分钟

Muhamara dip

Muhamara dip

30 分钟

Salmon kabsa

Salmon kabsa

40 分钟

Date and pistachio truffles (Bethith)

Date and pistachio truffles (Bethith)

45 分钟



1小时 25 分钟

Mint lemonade

Mint lemonade

5 分钟

Rose Harissa

Rose Harissa

20 分钟

Zhoug (Diabetes)

Zhoug (Diabetes)

10 分钟