Only 5 Ingredients

10 道食谱

Sometimes simple is best. Except for salt and water, you only need 5 simple ingredients to try Olive and Mozzarella Farfalle for a main, serve Mint Courgettes as a side dish or treat yourself to a Cappuccino Milkshake.

Mini Oregano Focaccias

Mini Oregano Focaccias

3小时 40 分钟

Tuna-stuffed Tomatoes

Tuna-stuffed Tomatoes

35 分钟

Warm Turkey and Green Bean Salad

Warm Turkey and Green Bean Salad

35 分钟

Olive and Mozzarella Farfalle

Olive and Mozzarella Farfalle

30 分钟

Mackerel and Lemon Trofie

Mackerel and Lemon Trofie

30 分钟

Steamed Plaice with Tomato Sauce

Steamed Plaice with Tomato Sauce

30 分钟

Mint Courgettes

Mint Courgettes

30 分钟

Potatoes with Yoghurt Sauce

Potatoes with Yoghurt Sauce

40 分钟

Bundt Cake

Bundt Cake


Cappuccino Milkshake

Cappuccino Milkshake

10 分钟